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Add a Custom Metric

To add a new metric to Bench-MR, follow these steps:

Inherit from TMetric

Implement an interface to the C++ implementation of your metric that inherits from TMetric and follows the curiously recurring template pattern (CRTP):

class MyMetric : public TMetric<MyMetric> {
  static double evaluateMetric(const ompl::geometric::PathGeometric& trajectory, double dt) {
    // ...

  static double evaluateMetric(const ompl::control::PathControl& trajectory, double dt) {
    // ...

As shown, the two types of input paths (geometric and control-based) follow the OMPL API.

Add Property to PathStatistics

Register the new metric in base/PathStatistics.hpp in the PathStatistics property group:

Property<double> my_metric{
      std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(), "my_metric", this};

Evaluate Metric in PathEvaluation::evaluate

Include the evaluation of the new metric in PathEvaluation::evaluate (in utils/PathEvaluation.hpp):

stats.my_metric = MyMetric::evaluate(solution);

Update Front-end Definitions

Go to python/ to optionally register a user-friendly title in the stat_names dictionary that is displayed in the plots inplace of the metric name.

stat_names = {
    # ...
    'my_metric': 'My Metric'